Offering quick and easy rental solutions.

We take pride in being a friendly, easy-to-work-with, and professional rental company. We’re your one-stop-shop for all your rental needs in Prince Edward County & surrounding areas. From eco-friendly transportation, weddings and events rentals, camera equipment for capturing your adventures, and storage rental space for your belongings, we have you covered.

Our team is committed to providing exceptional service, offering free drop off and pickup services within Prince Edward County.

Exploring the County?

If you're looking for a unique and eco-friendly way to explore the beauty of wine country, look no further than renting an electric bike. With an electric bike, you can effortlessly pedal through the picturesque vineyards, rolling hills, and scenic trails, while savoring the breathtaking scenery and accessing hidden gems that may not be reachable by car. In this blog post, we'll delve into why renting an electric bike is a fantastic choice for an unforgettable wine country experience. So, uncork your adventurous spirit and join us on an electric bike tour to discover the wonders of wine country in a whole new way.


Unlock possibilities with our extensive rental solutions.

Temporary Storage Space

Electric Bikes

Professional Lighting

Professional Cinema Cameras

Mirrorless Cameras

Photography Backdrops



FREE delivery & pickup anywhere in Prince Edward County for ALL rental products